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How To Remove Your Springs
On folding rebounders, the small tube on the spring hook by the mat will need to be removed. These are easily accessed when the rebounder is upside down. A needle nose pliers works well for this.
Position the rebounder upright as if you were going to bounce. Remove the frame skirt.
A screwdriver approximately 10 inches in length is all you need for removing and replacing mat springs. Spring removal is a matter of leverage and you will want to keep good control of the handle of the screwdriver at all times. To increase leverage and stability, place one side of the rebounder against an immobile object such as a couch. Most people find it easiest to remove a spring while kneeling directly opposite the immobile object. Do not have any part of your arms or body against or under the rebounder frame.
If you are replacing all of the springs on a folding rebounder, remove the three pairs of springs on either side of each hinge first. When the 6 pairs of springs surrounding each hinge have been removed, fold the rebounder in half (See Close rebounder instructions). This will release the tension on the remaining springs and they can be removed by hand. Read the following instructions completely before attempting to remove the springs

Step 1.
Slide the screwdriver between the two springs from the mat and between the spring hook and cleat (metal bar) on the left-hand spring of the pair. With a firm grip on the handle you will rotate the handle of the screwdriver to the left (slightly above the surface of the mat). The free end of the blade will rotate toward you.

Step 2.
As the tip of the screwdriver blade pivots toward the body of the spring it will press against the middle of the spring. With your thumb, assist the blade as it slips on top of the spring body. When the tip of the blade is on top of the spring body, release the tip and pull your hand away.

Step 3.
As you continue to rotate the handle to the left, the tip of the screwdriver passes over the body of the spring. At this point begin to lift the handle up as it moves left. This will cause the hook of the spring to clear the cleat and snap rapidly downward toward the frame.

Step 4.
Repeat for the right-hand spring.
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