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Needak Soft-Bounce Folding

Needak Hard-Bounce Folding

Stabilizing Bar

A Better Way To Exercise!
The Needak® Rebounder
The Needak® Rebounder is the most revolutionary way to exercise while having fun! Recommended for gym use and the comfort of your home, the rebounder offers a stable method of activity that increases your heart rate without too much exertion. Ideal for all ages and preferred by many leading health experts, we can promise you’ll never want to exercise the same way again!

The Rebounder
The Rebounder is more than just a mini trampoline; it’s professional-grade workout equipment designed with you in mind. Every component of the Rebounder is made with quality materials built to last unlike similar items on the market. Enhance your rebounding experience by purchasing workout DVDs, educational books, and more!
how it benefits
Your Health
Most health experts will agree the rebounder is a superior tool to help you achieve your fitness goals. Proven to strengthen the musculoskeletal system as well as increase muscle-to-fat ratio, the benefits are without end.

Why You Need Our Rebounder
Suitable for any space, the Needak® rebounder is by far the best exercise trampoline on the market. Those components not made directly by Needak® are purchased from North American suppliers of the highest quality materials. Easy and fun to use, you can get more out of your workout routine without strain on your muscles or risk of injury like other machines. And trust us when we say you will enjoy using our rebounder for years to come! Designed with superior materials, the rebounder is built to withstand excessive use.
Get Your Rebounder Factory Direct Today!
Order Now!
Order your Rebounder and accessories today directly from Needak® Manufacturing LLC to change the way you experience exercise!
Don’t just take our word for it!
“… Rebounding exercise is the best exercise in the world! Now that I’ve tried rebounding, I have progressed more in 2-3 months than in 3 years on the Nordic Track. My primary exercise, and the one I now recommend to my patients, especially for upper body shaping and toning, overall cell exercise and health, and just plain fun, will now be the rebounder ….”
Dr. R.P in Nashville, TN
“… The rebounder is great! I lost 8 lbs and beat my 6’3’’, 180lb boyfriend at arm wrestling after only 2 months of use! Then he started bouncing and his masseuse asked him, ‘I know you’ve been working out for 2 years – what have you been doing the past week?’ She actually felt the difference in his muscles! …”
B.L. in New York, NY
“… I was recently diagnosed with MS. I changed my diet and exercise with the rebounder 1 to 3 times a day. I have lost 15 pounds and everyone says I look so healthy. I feel that the rebounder has given me strength. I have my 66 year old mom using it, and I even put my one year old daughter on it – she loves it! …”
L.D. in Amity Harbor, NY